HHL Architects developed a Clubhouse Interiors Study in 2009 for the Park Country Club, built in 1927 and designed by revered clubhouse architect Clifford C. Wendehack. The magnificent 50,200 square foot structure was designed in the English Scholastic Style with Gothic Tudor influence and its beautiful interior spaces remain virtually unaltered for the past 80+ years. Formal dining rooms have original hand-hewn wood timber roof trusses and wood plank ceilings decorated in polychrome paint with a Gothic motif. Interiors and furnishings were once heavily influenced by the Arts & Crafts Movement of the late 19th century England.
The study identified and prioritized interior projects for the club’s current long-range planning needs. Projects include restoration of the clubhouse formal spaces such as dining rooms, the lounge, Grille Room, and upgrades to the men’s and women’s locker rooms. Proposed interior renovations and new furnishings for the entire clubhouse facility comprised a total estimated cost of $1,935,000, with some projects slated for implementation in the club’s five-year capital plan. The club’s desire to reinstate the original grandeur of the clubhouse spaces, with recognition of the ever-changing membership demographics and use was the Impetus of the study.