The Buffalo Club Renovations & Expansion

Buffalo, NY, USA
Year Completed
Building Type
13,000 sq. ft.
The Buffalo Club

The historic Buffalo Club, located at 388 Delaware Avenue, completed construction for a three-story addition, a two story ‘infill’ addition, and interior renovations and restoration of the 1898 natatorium, designed originally by E.B. Green. The three-story addition includes a Spa/Wellness Center, children’s and women’s locker rooms, guest sleeping rooms and an international doubles hardball squash court. The ‘infill’ addition includes new fitness studio space, state-of-the-art meeting rooms and an expanded men’s locker room. Renovations to locker rooms, fitness spaces, singles squash courts and restoration of the natatorium with a new HVAC dehumidification system were also undertaken.

Prior projects designed by HHL for The Buffalo Club include upgrades and renovations to the kitchen and food service facilities, an entry addition to the historic building to provide vertical access to the club’s existing dining spaces, a new roof-top dining area, and the creation of the Juice Bar/Pro Shop.