“Restoration News: Central Terminal”

The Central Terminal Restoration Corporation (CTRC) has announced that it has secured enough money to restore two of its four historic marquees, thanks to a generous $306,000 grant from the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). The restoration project is slated to begin this spring and goes hand-in-hand with other Central Terminal restoration developments.

Along with the two marquees, BRO recently reported on the CTRC’s Adopt-A-Tile program (see here). In addition to the 198 tiles sold through the initiative so far, the contractor working on installing the tiles, Zee’s Property Services, has donated an additional $10,000 in-kind services to the project.

Once the roof tiling is complete, Solar Liberty will be donating and installing a 50,000 watt Solar PV system – a system that will allow the terminal to recoup approximately $36,000 in energy savings over the following 15 years. Plus the terminal will have access to additional power that it needs in order to operate at a higher capacity.

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